Shipping and Return

At As You Wish Store, we prioritize fast and reliable delivery options tailored to meet your needs:

  • Massachusetts: Enjoy flexible delivery methods, including 1-hour, same-day, and next-day services for select cities.
  • Rest of the U.S.: Shipping options are available for select products nationwide. Costs and delivery times vary based on the shipping method and location.

Once your order is placed, we will provide an estimated delivery date along with tracking information to keep you updated on your package's progress.

Return Policy

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not completely happy with your purchase, we offer a 30-day return policy from the date of delivery.

  • To qualify for a return, the item must be unused and in its original packaging.
  • Upon receiving the returned item, we will process your refund within 3-5 business days.

We also provide free shipping for returns to ensure a hassle-free experience. For items outside the 30-day return window, please contact us directly to explore alternative solutions.

Delivery and Partnerships

  • Local Delivery in Massachusetts: Our local delivery service spans various cities, ensuring quick and convenient service for nearby customers.
  • Affiliate Sales: Some products are sold through affiliate links. Prices and conditions are determined by our affiliate partners, and there are no additional costs for you.
  • Products from Other Suppliers: We handle the entire process of procuring and delivering products from trusted suppliers, ensuring secure and efficient service.

Contact Us

Have questions or need assistance? Our customer support team is here to help.
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Thank you for choosing As You Wish Store. We’re committed to providing you with a seamless shopping experience!